I found this idea in a magazine that both Brooke and I have been subscribed to for a while now, GL(Girl's Life), and we both love it!
Things you will need:
- 2 or 3 different types of colored nail polish (they should look well together).
- Clear nailpolish
- Small pair of scissors
- Roll of duct tape (ignore Dominique's mustache duct tape)
1) I begin with cutting the small pieces of duct tape into slender triangles. I make sure to do this step before I paint the first coat because I don't want to mess up the nail polish.
(Do NOT put them onto your nails yet; I just wanted to show you what size they should be.)
Once I've cut about 25 triangles of duct tape, I set them up on the side of a table so they're easy to reach with wet nails.
2) Choose one of your four colors of nail polish to be the base coat. Paint your whole nail with an even coat. Wait for the polish to dry.
3) After they are completely dry, put the duct tape triangles on your nails just like the picture below.
4) Pick another color of nail polish, and once again paint an even coat over the same nail.
5) After several seconds, slowly peel off the duct tape. Continue with the other nails, alternating colors however you want to. Enjoy your nails!!!!!!!!!!!