Sunday, August 12, 2012

Jaggy Nails

Hey you guys! It's dominique, back with another fun craft...but this time it's for your nails! I love painting my nails! I paint my nails about once a day, so I like to get creative with new nail ideas just to mix things up a bit  :)
I found this idea in a magazine that both Brooke and I have been subscribed to for a while now, GL(Girl's Life), and we both love it!

Things you will need:
- 2 or 3 different types of colored nail polish (they should look well together).
- Clear nailpolish
- Small pair of scissors
- Roll of duct tape (ignore Dominique's mustache duct tape)

1) I begin with cutting the small pieces of duct tape into slender triangles. I make sure to do this step before I paint the first coat because I don't want to mess up the nail polish.
(Do NOT put them onto your nails yet; I just wanted to show you what size they should be.)

Once I've cut about 25 triangles of duct tape, I set them up on the side of a table so they're easy to reach with wet nails.

2) Choose one of your four colors of nail polish to be the base coat. Paint your whole nail with an even coat. Wait for the polish to dry.

3) After they are completely dry, put the duct tape triangles on your nails just like the picture below.

4) Pick another color of nail polish, and once again paint an even coat over the same nail.

5) After several seconds, slowly peel off the duct tape. Continue with the other nails, alternating colors however you want to. Enjoy your nails!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Arizona Green Tea Wicker Box

Hey you guys... its Brookie and Dominique. Our blog's gonna be all about our random creative ideas. Whether or not they work or fail, we're gonna post them for you to try as well. :D Some things we plan on posting about include hair, bedroom decorating, nails, style, cooking, crafts, and artsy stuff.
So, the first idea we're gonna post about is something Brooke recently designed. It's along the lines of arts/crafts and room decorating.

We found an old wicker box previously used for holding old toys, then painted it to resemble a can of Arizona Green Tea. Here's how make the same thing.

1) Find an old wicker box. It should probably be a lighter color than the ones pictured. Ours was a light tan color.

2) Next we painted the box a light minty blue. The color of the background to the Arizona Green Tea bottle. Which is the look we're going for.

3) We then painted the tree branches with a dark brown. Paint them on however you think would look best. Next we added the pink blossoms. We used a medium pink for our box because we thought it matched the coloring of the flowers on the bottle the best.

Last step is to let is try and enjoy the beautiful and creative box you've just made. Keep it in your room to hold school papers, nail polish, clothes, or give it to a friend or family member as a wonderful present they will cherish and remember forever :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We wanted to introduce you to our new blog, Pop of Color Decorating. We would tell you what it's all about, but it's pretty indescribable, which is cool. In a nutshell, we're writing a blog about fun, quirky, unique ideas that we think you'll like. Enjoy! :]

Brooke and Dominique